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Words of advice
Dealing with a medical condition, whether large or small, can be an isolating experience. This feeling can be particularly acute when that condition feels incredibly private and the last thing you want to do is even acknowledge it, never mind discuss it or seek treatment. -
celebrities with prostate cancer
If you’ve just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, or if you’re living with the side effects of prostate cancer treatment, you’re not alone. In fact, you’re in good company, with numerous high-profile celebrities sharing their experiences to raise awareness of this common cancer, which affects about one in eight men. Here are just some of their stories... -
A prostate cancer diagnosis can change your life in ways you’ve never foreseen. Even successful treatment brings with it a range of side effects, such as urinary incontinence. When Brad received his diagnosis he had no idea what was ahead – here he shares his story to help pave the way for other men... -
It’s the less common, lesser-known little brother of prostate cancer, accounting for only one per cent of cancers experienced by me. But testicular cancer is still worth keeping an eye out for. Here’s what you need to know -
Real-life read: A young man’s experience of incontinence
It’s not only older men who experience unwanted drips and dribbles. Bladder leaks can affect younger men too, so it’s a relief to find a discreet, dignified solution. Alexei shares his story... -
Living with incontinence can be a lonely and isolating experience. But sometimes knowing you’re not alone makes all the difference. About one man in every five experiences some degree of bladder leakage as they age* – we just don’t talk about it. So we asked one, Tom, to share his story... -
Six ways to take control of bladder leaks
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to bladder leakage. Because it affects so many people (as many as one in three women and one in 5 men) and can be brought on by a range of causes, there’s no silver bullet that will magic it away. For some, it’s a lifelong condition – just the way we’re built. -
How to strengthen your pelvic floor: a beginner’s guide to kegels
We might talk about having a ‘weak bladder’ but in fact it’s often not the bladder that’s weak – it’s the pelvic floor. Located between the hips, your pelvic floor is an area of muscles and tissues that act as a hammock to support the uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum. -
The last taboo – let’s talk about little leaks
Bladder leakage (aka urinary incontinence) affects one in three women and one in ten men, often as a result of surgery, childbirth or other trauma. So why don’t we ever hear about it? Why are we afraid of talking about one of the most common medical conditions affecting people around the world today? -
The heavy truth about light bladder leakage
Sneezing. Lifting. Running. Laughing. Stretching. Do any of those words give you, or someone you know, a touch of anxiety that you might accidentally wee a little? For many people, the onset of incontinence brings with it symptoms that are not dissimilar to depression. -
Stress, urge or overflow – what kind of incontinence do you have?
So maybe you leak occasionally. But do you know exactly what type of incontinence you have? Knowing what kind of incontinence you’re experiencing is vital to choosing the right management products and ensuring you get the right treatment, because different types have different causes and remedies. -
Is bladder retraining right for me?
Bladder retraining is an action plan recommended by health professionals for incontinence and bladder leakage. It’s a form of behavioral therapy that works to change your bathroom habits by altering the cognitive pathways responsible for telling your body how often you need to use the toilet, and how much liquid you expel. -
From enuresis to Menorrhagia...Our glossary of everything you've ever wanted to know about leaks -
A beginner’s guide to prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in men. But how much do you know about what it means for thousands of men each year? Read on for our beginner’s guide… -
Ask the prostate cancer expert
One man in seven will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime, and although it can usually be treated, it’s not uncommon for men to end up living with some degree of urinary incontinence afterwards. David Bateman from the Prostate Cancer Centre in Calgary, Canada, answers our queries about the diagnostic process, why incontinence can happen after treatment and what you can do to manage bladder leaks.